The Developing Resiliency with Engaging Approaches to Maximize Success (DREAMS) Program, a collaborative effort between the New Jersey Department of Children and Families’ Children’s System of Care (CSOC) and the Department of Education (NJDOE), extends support to local education agencies across New Jersey. Specifically tailored for grades pre-K-12, this initiative, facilitated by Caring Partners of Morris Sussex, Inc., leverages the expertise of Certified Nurtured Heart Trainers to enhance resilience and success in schools.
Throughout the current academic year, Kristy Schmidt and Amy Doherty, both certified Nurtured Heart trainers, have diligently worked with Randolph's four elementary schools, as well as the high school and middle school. Under their guidance, individual teams within each school have been mentored, fostering a ripple effect as these teams impart their skills to colleagues and students. Customized goals have been set by each school, spanning from educating staff on the Nurtured Heart approach to fostering student engagement in their interests. Monthly meetings with Kristy and Amy ensure progress tracking, data collection, and addressing any questions or needs.
Colleen Huguenin, District Supervisor of School Counseling, and Brianne McBreen, Special Programs Coordinator, have played pivotal roles in uniting the six Champion Teams across Randolph. Their dedication has been instrumental in integrating the Nurtured Heart approach into classroom practices. Collaborative meetings with Kristy and Amy further reinforce ongoing support and assistance.
At the elementary and middle school levels, various initiatives have been implemented to embody the Nurtured Heart Approach. Kindness trees in elementary schools provide a platform for students to recognize acts of kindness, while the middle school's kindness chain reinforces positive values. Additionally, Kristy and Amy have organized Nurtured Heart DREAMS Support bags for each Champion Team member, containing resources to facilitate discussions and promotion of the approach.
Upon conclusion, members of the Nurtured Heart Champion Teams will seamlessly transition into the broader DREAMS community, ensuring continued connection and support.